VYASA researchers led by Dr. H.R. Nagendra and his sister, the distinguished medical scientist Dr. R. Nagaratna have been conducting extensive research for over 30 years with the aim of making Yoga an evidence-based remedy for human ailments. Their initial research effort which established scientific credibility for Yoga as a therapeutic system involved trials and monitoring of specific forms of Yoga practice in asthma patients.
To this day, the fundamental aim of VYASA’s research efforts remains that of understanding the biology of Yoga at the level of the human body, energy centers and the mind with the aid of state-of-the-art lab tools and instrumentation. VYASA researchers seek not just to study the response of the body to Yoga, but also to understand the complex dynamics that are existing in coordination ensuring homeostasis of the human to completeness.
The research interests of VYASA include the Physiological effects of yoga practices, therapeutic applications of yoga, Yoga for rehabilitation, Yoga for performance as well as the therapeutic effects of higher states of consciousness.
As an individual or as an industry representative, if you are interested in proposing, participating or supporting in specific research projects, please write to us at [email protected].

- Efficacy of Yoga-based Lifestyle Intervention on Acute-phase Insulin Release (AIR) in Pre-diabetes, funded by the Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi, India.
- A Comparison of High Frequency Yoga Breathing (HFYB) with Breath Awareness (BAW) and Aerobic Exercise Assessing Gamma Oscillation, BDNF Levels, and Cognitive Task Performance, funded by DST-SATYAM.
- Exploring the Yoga benefits of cognitive improvement and metabolic mediators of neuro-endocrine biomarkers in patients with Type 2 diabetes, funded by AYUSH-CCRYN.
- NAD SIRT1 AXIS: A key regulator for DNA repair and metabolic regulation following yoga, funded by DST-SATYAM.
Mechanism of action of D5 Choornam on Insulin Regulation, funded by the Central Council for Research in Siddha Medicine.
Yoga-DP, Yoga programme for type-2 diabetes prevention (YOGA-DP) among high-risk people in India: intervention development and feasibility study, funded by DFID/MRC/NIHR/Wellcome Trust Joint Global Health Trials.
Acute effect of Heartfulness meditation transmission on neural pattern of the brain: A 128 channel EEG Pilot study, funded by Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Bangalore, India.
Does Intuition Program improve sensory perception (Audio, Visual or Somatosensory functions) with open eyes and closed eyes in normal healthy children?, funded by Art of Living (AOL), Bangalore, India.
Effect of Yoga on alleviating Alzheimer’s and diabetes induced cognitive decline, funded by Mr. Rajesh Handa (Individual funder).